
This blog is focuses on my small flock, which right now, is only my one dear Cape Parrot, Lola.  It is dedicated to our lives and stories, hoping that I can share with you the joy that she brings to my life everyday.  I also hope that this will serve as a somewhat educational blog as well for fellow parrot owners, hoping to learn about new ways to enrich their parrots’ lives.  Although my entries span everything from food to flight to cages, my particular focus on where to find safe, healthy, and high quality products (food, toys, cages, etc.) in this over-saturated bird market.  I have very high standards for safety and quality, and very vigorously screen toymakers and bird product manufacturers for the best quality parts, construction, and safety.  When I find toys and products that meet my criteria, I am more than happy to share!  I do not receive any compensation whatsoever for any of my reviews or posts, even when they feature particular brands or products, nor are any of my entries solicited.

Lola, my Cape Parrot

I’m Coco, and I began this blog in November of 2010 with another host, and in April of 2011 I decided to move to its current host, WordPress.  Because I was not able to import all of my entries, I have rewritten and updated many of the most popular or most informative entries, and re-posted them here.  Please feel free to take a look around!

Sabrina and Charles (rest in peace), my Budgies

A bit about my small flock: Lola is my wonderful parrot who shares my home with me here in the States.  She is a Cape Parrot and was hatched on April 1, 2010. We also used to share our home with three budgies, Charles (July 2009 to July 2012), Theodore (November 2009 to May 2010), and Sabrina (January 13, 2011 to April 2014), but unfortunately they have passed on.  We miss them everyday. You can read about their beautiful, sweet selves in older entries.  Occasionally, you may also read about Karat the Hahn’s Macaw, who is my mother’s lovely young lady.  We visit them as often as we can.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy yourself!  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them as comments to a blog entry and I will get back to you promptly!

© Coco’s Flock, 2010-2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Coco’s Flock with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  Photos may not be used without prior express authorization of the author.

§ 23 Responses to About

  • Denise says:

    Hi Coco, I love your blog, I get so much info from you. You have a very special flock and always waiting to here more. Big Hugs

    Denise *( Magni )

  • Jodi says:

    Hi Coco,

    Just found your review on the aluminum King’s cage – thanks! You mentioned that the cage size was appropriate for your Cape only as a temporary cage. What do you think of that size cage for a BH Pionus who is about 240 grams? I’d like to get Cali a new cage and I’m trying to stay away from powder coat if I can and SS is so pricey.

    Jodi & Cali

  • Keja MacEwan says:

    Hi Coco!

    Thank you for your great blog. I just discovered it tonight as I am starting the great cage-hunt to replace my guy’s habitat!

    I am also the proud owner of a sweet and adorable Cape (biased, yes!). He is 10 years old and I’ve had him since he was just a wee-thing!

    I was appreciate all the detail your provided regarding both the aluminum Kings cages and the Expandable Habitats cages. My current cage is an old powder-coated Kings that I’ve much appreciated, but needs to be replaced. I’ve been very interested in the EH cages, but found their website devoid of much detail. You have described them quite well and added great photos that has answered many of my questions.

    As I was reading, I noticed cotton rope cargo net hanging in the corner of the photo and it sparked a memory of a wonderful parrot owner I had the chance to briefly cross paths with a few years ago! She was kind, passionate and a wealth of information and experience who also had a small home-based bird-toy making shop where she created ingenious and unique products with a dedication to bird stimulation and health!

    I found myself getting lost in your blog when I came across “Oliver’s Garden” and lo-and-behold, it’s the same little sanctuary I was remembering! It’s a small world, sometimes!

    Anytime you want to share bird/Cape stories… I don’t know many people who live with birds, much less a Cape, so it’s fun for me to read about Lola and her personality as she grows! Thank you for sharing so much helpful information!


    • Coco's Flock says:

      Hi Keja,

      Thank you so much for your lovely comments. I have taken a considerable hiatus from blogging but hope to find more time for it soon. 🙂

      All best to you and your Cape!!

  • Hi Coco! I’m writing from the UK on behalf of a registered charity for rescued parrots. I am so happy to have came across your blog. I’m embarking on using essential oils from Young Living – have the only UK/Europe distributer approx. 10 miles from my location! I need a good diffuser and was reading about the model you have. I viewed the Ultrasonic diffusers but there are three models to choose from. Please would you kindly tell me the exact model you have? Also, it would be great to know how many drops of E.O’s to use when diffusing. We have an African Grey parrot, named Bert, with a very serious skin condition underneath both wings. He will be starting his Red light and cold laser treatment next week, but I know the E.O’s will enhance his treatment. I already have lavender, lemon, orange and helichrysum and have used these as a synergy and have sprayed it on each foot – 1 spray per foot x twice daily. I will now purchase copaiba, joy (he really needs upliftment), peace & calming (thought this E.O would be good to use just prior his treatment, as he gets very anxious when been caught up in a towel and handled) and also thieves, sounds like a good E.O to have at hand. Thank you most kindly for this wonderful blog. It is so very useful and informative. Best wishes, Julie

  • Hi Coco! I discovered your blog a short time ago and I love it. I hope you continue blogging in the future. You have lovely birds. How is Sabrina?

    • Coco's Flock says:

      Hi there! Thank you so much for your message. I hope I have more time to resume blogging soon too. Sabrina is doing well 🙂 She still isn’t a big fan of humans but she seems content, is chirping and active, is playing with toys, and has a healthy appetite. Thank you for asking!

  • Maggie says:

    Hi Coco,

    I noticed the budgie traveling cages that you got in December of 2011 – I believe that they are IMAC, Italian *made* cages.

    If you live in Canada or the USA, would you please post where you bought them that actually shipped over here?

    Thank you very much!

    • Coco's Flock says:

      Hi there Maggie,

      My mother actually bought them on behalf of my littles ones as a gift (they’re the budgies’ temporary cages when we visit her) through a friend of hers that wholesales bird supply items, and ordered them directly for her. Unfortunately I have searched high and low for them elsewhere and have not been successful. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help!


  • I’m trying to join young living but when I tried the number it didn’t work. It said invalid sponsor or enroller. Could you help me out with this. I want to try some of the oils for my cockatiels and myself. Maybe even make a bit of profit since I’m a stay at home mom. I would really appreciated.

    • Coco's Flock says:

      Hi Nicole, I haven’t ordered in quite a long time, so my account went inactive. I will call the company tomorrow to reactive, however, and hopefully then you will be able to register. Best of luck!

  • Thank you for replying for my message.

  • Lucia H. says:

    if it doesn’t work she can use my number

  • erika says:

    loooove your blog!! 😀

  • Mary Parsons says:

    Hi, do you have any experience with Freedom Cages?

    Any info would be great.

    Happy New Year

  • Mary Parsons says:

    What did you find negative about them?

    • Coco's Flock says:

      I don’t like to publicly write about my personal grievances with a company because I know how tough it is out there for small businesses– one unhappy customer who takes to the internet can be very crushing. Thank you for understanding.

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