More on Expandable Habitats Cages

May 29, 2012 § 1 Comment

Yes, we’re alive and well!  Hello all, and my apologies for not having written.  We’ve been exceedingly busy but hope to have some more free time in the summer months.

Yet another of life’s turns has required that I dismantle both the budgies’ and Lola’s Expandable Habitats cages this week, quite a nuisance and tough job for one (very petite) person to do solo.  But while taking these behemoths apart, I discovered one more reason why these cages are such fantastic investments and came to love them even more than I already did.  I am lucky that I can’t call any of my birds very mechanical– Lola can tackle some moderately difficult foraging toys, but she’s never been able to unscrew something or open her cage doors on her own.  It’s truly one of my fears that she’ll learn to start taking apart her cage, and one day, while I’m not home, she’ll remove one too many screws and the whole thing will collapse on her.  That’s probably irrational– it seems that even the most mechanical birds are more interesting in escaping their cages than dismantling them– but it’s still a possibility.

Well, I was very pleasantly surprised while taking apart the Expandable Habitats cage that those things simply don’t collapse!  Every single panel that I unscrewed stood completely straight up until the very last screw was removed– I could have removed seven out of the eight screws holding it up and it was still standing tall without collapsing in on itself.  Even when I had removed three out of the four “walls,” the fourth still stood until its very last screw was removed.  I was really amazed at how sturdy every single piece was.  I’ve taken apart several other kinds of cages before, and none were built so sturdily or so well as this.  It was really remarkable and made me feel a lot better about the prospect of Lola developing any mechanical skills.  I still hope she doesn’t, but at least I know that if she does, the cage will never collapse in on her and harm her.

In other news, the flock is still enjoying diffusing our essential oils!  I get a lot of comments and questions about these and I do try to answer all of them so feel free to keep them coming.  I did want to disclose that I recently discovered that I do, in fact, receive a “commission” for those of you who use my Referral Number in registering with Young Living and then purchase products.  I didn’t realize this prior to receiving a random check in the mail — only then did I understand what was going on, so I apologize if anybody feels misled.  That said, I am absolutely not in it for the money and it doesn’t matter to me whether you register under my number or not; I am simply interested in sharing my experience with essential oils and spreading knowledge.  If you register under me, great!  If you don’t, great!  Feel free to ask me questions either way.

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