Cascading Palm Nuts for Lola

June 25, 2011 § 5 Comments

Still chugging away at the Pellet Project, of course, but I thought I’d take a brief break to post some lovely photos of these beautiful, plump, and fresh Canary Island Date Palm Nuts from the Cozy Nestbox!  I took advantage of a recent sale of theirs and ordered some beautiful, fresh palm nuts for Lola.  She goes absolutely crazy for these, especially when they are still on the stalks!  I took a large stalk and tied it to the top of her cage, right next to her boing. She feasted on them all day long and was very, very pleased!  She’s become quite skilled at cracking them right open to get to the inner parts.  She didn’t even want to come out of her cage a few times!

One of my sisters saw these in her cage and asked what they were.  I told her that they were palm nuts and they were one of Lola’s absolute favorite things to chew up and play with.  She plucked one right off the stalk and put it in her mouth– her reaction was priceless!!  She ran to the bathroom to spit it out.  She said it tasted chalky and was completely stuck in her two front teeth!!

Luckily for Lola, it seems she won’t have any competition when it comes to the palm nuts 🙂

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§ 5 Responses to Cascading Palm Nuts for Lola

  • Saemma says:

    Haha!! Good for your sister and yay for Lola!!!!!

    They look awesome in her King’s cage. Is this a travel cage or the one that stays when your are visiting?

  • Erika says:

    Love the pics! Um, tell your sis NOT to try the fan palm nuts, they aren’t very good either, lol.

  • Irina says:

    I am a bit behind with my comments, but couldn’t resist – those palm nuts look absolutely gorgeous as does Lola, what a lovely healthy treat! Coco, your birds are very very lucky :).
    I am not surprised your sister wanted to taste those palm nuts, they look like they would be very tasty, a sort of mix between mango and orange, shame it is not true, suppose it is not a good idea to judge a book by its cover 😀

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